With an increasing number of students exploring gap year opportunities, your GYA membership demonstrates your commitment to advising students and families on the gap year opportunities that best suit their goals.
This membership category requires:
- Experience working with at least 15 gap year students
- Clear dedication to gap year services on your website
- Demonstration of student mentorship experience with either:
- Concurrent membership in NACAC, IECA, HECA and/or TCA for at least one year, or
- Submission of a professional resume and letter of recommendation speaking to your experience with advising on the gap year option
- Clear explanation of your gap year services, guiding philosophy for your gap year consulting work, and relevant experience in vetting programs and organizations for best practices
- Demonstration of ongoing professional development, including but not limited to attendance at the Gap Year Conference and/or service on a GYA committee or evidence of completion of at least two relevant workshops/trainings with non-GYA organizations.
Membership benefits for Independent Educational Gap Year Consultants include:
- Listing on GYA’s Working With Gap Year Consultants webpage
- Access to monthly Professional Member Forum calls for networking with gap year consultants and other program providers
- Use of GYA’s Member Badge for marketing and outreach
- Discounts on Gap Year Conference registration and other GYA professional development opportunities
- Stay informed of the latest gap year trends with access to GYA-led research and publications
“GYA membership offers community and resources, but really so much more. As a GYA-Accredited Consultant, I particularly value the professional development and mutual mentoring that takes place in both formal and informal ways. My ability to advise students on gap year plans is directly connected to the value of my GYA membership.”
-Sandy Storer, Accredited Gap Year Consultant at A Gap Away