GYA Membership for Gap Year Program Providers

Member Category: Gap Year Program Providers

We encourage gap year programs to apply for GYA membership if they are eager to tell the world about their gap year program, want access to the latest gap year resources in order to best serve their students, and want to learn from and grow in a professional gap year community


“In 2015, I joined GYA when I was starting a new company and wanting to build it out based on best practices and network in the industry. I ended up finding an incredible network of people and collaboration…it’s THE place to be if you are running gap year programs of any description!”

-Ryan Allen, Founder & Director of Irish Gap Year, Accredited Gap Year Program

Membership benefits for established program providers include:

Membership benefits for “New and Emerging” program providers include:

  • Designated listing on the GYA Member Programs webpage (Organization name, link to website, basic program description, but no logo or additional program details)
  • Access to monthly Professional Member Forum calls for networking with gap year consultants and other program providers
  • Access to an affinity group for New & Emerging Programs for networking and professional development with other providers as they develop their gap year programs.
  • Use of GYA Member Badge for marketing and outreach: show gap year students and families that your organization aligns with GYA, the association leading best practices in the gap year field. 
  • Option to post program-specific financial aid & scholarship information on GYA’s Financial Aid webpage 
  • Option to submit details for information sessions and other public events on GYA’s Community Events calendar, which is viewable on GYA’s website and shared monthly with a list of students, families, and others who have inquired about gap options.
  • Discounts on Gap Year Conference registration and other GYA professional development opportunities
  • Stay informed of the latest gap year trends with access to GYA-led research and publications

Program Provider membership levels are determined by a program’s total number of gap year students over the previous 12 months. All provider membership levels offer the same benefits, with dues based on student numbers to maintain an equitable community:

  • 0-50 Students: $400/year
  • 51-100 Students: $575/year
  • 101-200 Students: $1,100/year
  • 200+ Students: $2,200/year


For structured gap year programs that are still in the initial development phase and/or who have not yet met the two-year operating requirement for full program provider membership, GYA offers the following program membership level:

  • New and Emerging Programs: $200/year


*Provider membership includes access to GYA networking benefits for all of a program’s administrative staff.

Program providers are eligible to become GYA Member Programs if they:

  • Are a program serving students between the ages of 17 and 24
  • Engage students in experiential learning opportunities, working to deepen practical, professional, and personal awareness
  • Have students who are self-selecting (i.e., whose enrollment has not been mandated by parents, counselors, medical professionals, or law enforcement professionals)
  • Have been in business for at least 2 years (programs that have been operating for less than 2 years will be considered for GYA’s “New and Emerging” program membership level)
  • Have an official risk management plan
  • Have made the following organizational information publicly available on their website:
    • Mission statement
    • Diversity, equity, and inclusion statement
    • Student policies and expectations
    • Anticipated fees and costs
    • Essential Eligibility Criteria (EEC)
  • GYA holds the Standards and Development Organization (SDO) title for Gap Year Education in the United States as determined by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice. As such, GYA takes its role in reviewing and approving gap year program provider membership seriously and commits to a thorough review process of each application.
  • In situations in which it is not immediately evident that a program is eligible for membership, the GYA Staff, Membership Committee and/or Board of Directors reserves the right to interview applicants, request letters of recommendation, and otherwise conduct its own due diligence to determine appropriateness for membership. 
  • Therapeutic gap year programs that include clinical components will be considered on a case-by-case basis and may require additional considerations and follow-up by the GYA Membership Committee and/or Board of Directors.
  • Programs that engage in community-based learning are required to demonstrate ethical volunteer practices and reciprocity in intercultural partnerships and agree to GYA’s Principles of Fair-Trade Learning.
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