Photo: Dynamy Internship Year

A Year Around the World

A Year of Service


Volunteering Abroad

Service & Education


Gapping in Progress!

Intentional Community-Building

Becoming an Outdoor Leader


Wildlife Conservation & Expanding Comfort Zones
…This time away allowed me to gain self trust in my ability to navigate the world, find my way, connect with others from diverse backgrounds, and expose myself to another way of life. I was inspired by the selflessness of my peers and the staff at the sanctuary and I will always keep that with me.
The experience enhanced my existing interest in wildlife conservation and allowed me to continue conservation work in subtle ways, though maybe not directly related to my career. I later spent four months working with the Fish & Wildlife Service doing records management in Honolulu and my time in Belize first exposed me to the world of conservation and rehabilitation. It was a joy to assist FWS with conservation projects when I could.

Personal Growth & Setting Up for College Success

Climbing out of the Comfort Zone

Training a Trainer

Outdoor GROWTH & Learning


Learning to be a Teacher
…It took me eight months to master my “teacher voice”—but I’ll never forget when all I had to do was say a student’s name and make eye contact with him to have him freeze in the middle of etching something into a wooden desk and drop his pencil sheepishly.
I have now spent the last decade working in education with young people of all ages, and I’m regularly reminded of my gratitude for my time teaching in Guatemala and all that I learned. Many of my peers graduated college with teaching and education degrees, only to enter the classroom for the first time after graduating to learn working with young people was not for them. I was able to experiment before deciding what I wanted to study, and that was the pivotal, truly life-changing experience that helped me decide what I wanted to do with my life. Were it not for my gap year, I would not have gone to the college I went to, studied what I studied, or chosen the career path I chose as a middle school teacher.
I could not recommend a gap year more! There are many amazing gap year programs out there that will hold your hand, but I would also encourage finding work or volunteer work that allows you to navigate your year more independently. I also think if you choose to volunteer, the best gift you can give is your time so consider giving your whole year (or more!) to one community to maximize the ratio of the time they invest to train you up to the time you are actually able to give back.”

Gaining Independence & Refocusing Before College

Finding the Right Training & Exploring Group Travel

Gaining Confidence & Clarity

Language Immersion & LIFE LESSONS


…It took me eight months to master my “teacher voice”—but I’ll never forget when all I had to do was say a student’s name and make eye contact with him to have him freeze in the middle of etching something into a wooden desk and drop his pencil sheepishly.
I have now spent the last decade working in education with young people of all ages, and I’m regularly reminded of my gratitude for my time teaching in Guatemala and all that I learned. Many of my peers graduated college with teaching and education degrees, only to enter the classroom for the first time after graduating to learn working with young people was not for them. I was able to experiment before deciding what I wanted to study, and that was the pivotal, truly life-changing experience that helped me decide what I wanted to do with my life. Were it not for my gap year, I would not have gone to the college I went to, studied what I studied, or chosen the career path I chose as a middle school teacher.
I could not recommend a gap year more! There are many amazing gap year programs out there that will hold your hand, but I would also encourage finding work or volunteer work that allows you to navigate your year more independently. I also think if you choose to volunteer, the best gift you can give is your time so consider giving your whole year (or more!) to one community to maximize the ratio of the time they invest to train you up to the time you are actually able to give back.”