Gap Year Benefits

American University Campus

05 Dec: Exploring the World & Myself: Why I’m Taking a Gap Year

Exploring the World & Myself: Why I’m Taking a Gap Year by Sophia de Bruin Everyone has different reasons for taking a gap year – whether it be simply a need for adventure and travel or a break from school. Preparing to begin my Gap Year has caused me to reflect on the reasons I decided to initially embark upon this crazy adventure. Like many things, my decision to take a Gap Year started with high school. I’ll be honest – high school was not at all an easy or enjoyable time in my life. While I did make some…


14 Nov: A Short History of the Gap Year

A Short History of the Gap Year by Michael Morley With the decision by President Obama’s daughter, Malia, to take a Gap Year after high school and before entering Harvard, the spotlight has been put on this increasingly popular stage in the development of individuals. Some commentators applaud Malia’s decision while others deride it.Malia will not be the first member of a “first” family to take a Gap Year. A major boost to the Gap Year concept was given when it got “royal approval” in Britain with Prince William taking a Gap Year before starting at St. Andrew’s University in…

17 Oct: The Unbelievable Career Advantages of Taking a Gap Year

The Unbelievable Career Advantages of Taking a Gap Year by Marc Mendelman There are plenty of reasons why you should consider taking a Gap Year. Finishing high school, and moving on to college is a pretty big step. You should take some time to mark this transition, and really internalize the importance of this moment. A Gap Year shouldn’t be just a period in which you can take some time to relax, though that’s pretty important as well. You should use this opportunity to figure out what you’re going to do further on, and prepare for your future career. Taking…

Student near lake

26 Sep: How to Maximize Your Gap Year Through Continuous Reflexive Learning

How to Maximize Your Gap Year Through Continuous Reflexive Learning by Amanda Wilks Taking a Gap Year is a great way to experience new things, you wouldn’t otherwise have time for later on. The things you do, and learn throughout this period can provide you with a wealth of knowledge you can harness for years to come, if you know how to use these experiences to their fullest. Before you begin your Gap Year, it might be a good idea to consider joining a Gap Year program. This way, you’ll make sure that you have a sound plan when it…


22 Aug: Tips for Choosing Where to Go & What to do on Your Gap Year

Tips for Choosing Where to Go & What to do on Your Gap Year by Megan Lee Alright, you’ve decided to jump a leap of gap year faith and take a break between high school and college whatever comes next in life. But now that you’re feeling uber-confident in your decision and have gotten Mom and Dad (and maybe even Grandma, if you’re lucky) to support it, two important questions remain: Where are you going to go? -and- What are you going to do once you get there? With some 200 countries to choose from and infinite possibilities of changemaking…

piggy bank, money, savings

08 Aug: How to Raise Money for Your Gap Year

How to Raise Money for Your Gap Year by Megan Lee By: Jamie Shaw from Raising money for a Gap Year is achievable for anyone willing to put in a little bit of time and effort out of their already busy school schedule.  With proper planning and the right kind of help anyone can afford a Gap Year or have it paid for by their fund raising activities. The key is finding all the available resources you have at your disposal to reduce your travel cost and other out of pocket expenses. Let’s take a look at all the…

passion learning

04 Jul: Why a Passion for Learning is Your Best Gap Year Souvenir

Why a Passion for Learning is Your Best Gap Year Souvenir by Megan Lee There’s that pair of comfy traveler pants – wild patterns with cinched waists and ankles. Or the prints of beautiful artwork made by a local you conversed briefly with. There’s the magnet for mom, the T-shirt for baby bro, and the precious charm bracelet you mentally commit to never losing. While all of these mementos have value and – hopefully won’t end up in the bottom of a dusty box in the attic as their fate – there’s one incredibly powerful souvenir that your Gap Year…


30 May: How to Put a Gap Year on Your Resume

How to Put a Gap Year on Your Resume by Megan Lee Your backpack is officially empty and your socks no longer smell like the plague. You’re settling into life back home and are eagerly looking to the next steps in life. OR – you’re at the stage of life where you peek into your Gap Year memory box only when you’re feeling particularly nostalgic. Whether you completed your trip yesterday, yesteryear, or yester-decade, here’s the advice you need to add some pop to that black and white list of credentials. General Gap Year Resume Tips: No matter if you’re…

money, coin, investment

23 May: How to Bootstrap a Solo Gap Year

How to Bootstrap a Solo Gap Year by Blake Boles If you have almost no money, how can you fund a self-designed Gap Year experience? Most give up. Some get really creative. Victor Saad was 25 years old and seriously considering MBA programs when he decided that he could get a better learning experience—and spend much less money—by designing his own professional gap year, or in his words, a “self-made master’s degree.” He made plans to quit his job and take 12 business apprenticeships over the course of 12 months. But he had one big problem: money. Victor’s adventures would…

NOLS_accredited gap year program

25 Apr: 5 Steps to Being Prepared for Anything on Your Gap Year

5 Steps to Being Prepared for Anything on Your Gap Year by GYA Admin For many people, their gap year is their first solo journey in the world. It’s a good idea to be thinking ahead and and putting some effort into becoming prepared in advance of your gap year. You’ve heard the saying, “Fortune favors the prepared,” this is true, so is my Uncle Dick’s maxim, “The 7 P’s” (Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance). With that in mind, here are five ways that you can be prepared for anything when you travel. Educate Yourself There is no…